How to Know it’s Time to Redo Your Website

Dec 1, 2020 | Digital

Is it time for a new website?

We know when it’s time to buy a new phone. We know when we should replace the oil in our cars. But how many of us know when it’s time to re-do our company website?

In order to be a thought leader in your industry or to sell anything you need a clean, well designed website that acts as your storefront to the world. Websites are amazing tools. They work 24 hours a day. They make it possible to impart your wisdom and your company philosophy. And they make it possible for customers to order your service or buy your merchandise. Once set up, they cost nothing. Until it’s time to re-do it.

You have flash. Flash seemed like a good idea at the time. That was until Apple rebelled and created products that aren’t compatible with Flash. Thus, Flash, became obsolete. Do you really want to say “no” to everyone with an IPhone? That’s what Flash does.

You have changed your branding. A website is a direct reflection of your brand. It shows the world how polished your work is and how together your business is. It’s crucial to your credibility. It is your company. If your company has adopted a new color palette, it is essential that that is carried out on your website. According to Kissmetrics, an online blog that I follow, 42% of shoppers base their opinion of a website on the quality of its design. Additionally, 93% regard visual appearance more important than any other factors when shopping online.

Your business has changed. This means you need to update your new offerings or delete services or products you know longer offer. It makes you look like you don’t have it together. And the frustration of wanting to buy something that no longer exists devastates good user experience.

User experience needs a lift. This applies to people using your website and how easy it is to find what they are looking for. When someone used their phone to visit, does it adjust to the screen size or is it impossible to traverse? Also, is it easy to interact with? Can content be shared? Is the relevant information above the fold? Many of these factors have been advanced in the past year.

You can make a complete meal in the time it takes to load. Speed is valued. If it takes more than 4 seconds to load, your customers are most likely opting out for your competitors.

You avoid giving out your URL. This happens all the time. Enough said about this one. You know who you are.


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