Is TV Dead? `No, actually. But TV, the way we watched it ten years ago has changed. In fact, there has never been a better time to buy television advertising. Over the air television still reaches large numbers of people, particularly in special events and sports....
Have you ever heard the quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” I have an answer for that. It’s called Connected TV. It’s yet another opportunity to reach people that stream video content. What is Connected TV...
“All you see is a final product, but in reality, there’s way more that goes on behind the scenes.” – Ivan Galaz, Creative Director Knoodle Ivan Galaz directs and produces all the videos for Knoodle clients and has a vision for every one of them. “When I...
There are a million and one good reasons to do video. For all the obvious reasons – it’s more interesting, visually appealing and attention grabbing. It increases engagement plain and simple. And consumers now expect video content from brands they support. To maintain...
Storytelling is an art form. But like most things, it can be taught – the basics can be at least. It all starts with a formula. It’s called the Story Arc. We all learned this in elementary school. Does conflict, setting, and plot ring a bell? You might be surprised...
In today’s digital landscape, capturing the attention and imagination of audiences is more challenging than ever. Amidst the incessant flow of information, our clients are seeking innovative ways to establish their identity, forge connections, and leave a...