The Art of SEO: Cracking the Perfect Recipe for Higher Rankings

  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a delicate dance between art and science. There’s a fine line between optimization and over optimization. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of “Wabi-Sabi SEO” and what scrambled eggs can teach us...

Crisis Communication: First Steps

In Crisis Mode? Here’s what you do first. PR is almost always synonymous with positive attention and buzz. Until it isn’t. And a brand is in the hot seat with its reputation on the line and integrity in question. You may not realize it then (or ignoring it on purpose...

Knoodle PR Director weighs in on the Art of Apologizing

Businesses are human. Mistakes happen. Whether it’s a website that went down for 24 hours, hundreds of canceled flights on Christmas or a voluntary food recall, every business, no matter how big or small, whether considered a trusted industry veteran or startup...